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In its promotional debut, over 100 radio stations downloaded the title track:  ‘What will my new life be like after the d-i-v-o-r-c-e?’


“I wrote these songs to evoke different emotions from women who are going through a divorce in the hopes that they will provide encouragement and some humor at this difficult time,” Javitch explains.  “I would like to think of this album as a ‘survival album’.   It is my hope that each woman in America whose marriage has ended in divorce is moved by both my music and my message in “Going Through the Big D.”  Having gone through a divorce myself, I would have loved for a friend to give me this CD.  I want other divorced women to know that they are not alone. I hope my album can have a positive, lasting effect.”  Javitch concludes.


 Chuck Penington, conductor of the Grammy Award Winner Mannheim Steamroller band added  ” Karen Sokolof Javitch’s divorce CD – GOING THROUGH THE BIG D  is an uplifting listen for anyone who is going through this traumatic time.  It’s compassionate but not cloying, honest without being brutal, and sensitive but not judgmental.   It’s intended to inspire.”


Karen Sokolof Javitch is the host and creator of  a musical radio show called “It’s The Beat. ”  Karen has raised over $300,000 for national and local charities though her original music.  Her musicals, including one about the late Princess Diana, have been performed in Kansas City, Los Angeles, Lincoln, Chicago, New York City & St. Louis as well as Omaha.  Her singers have included Broadway actress Joanna Young, the prominent actor John Beasley, Weston Olson from the touring ‘Les Miserables’ cast as well as the Maynard Triplets from American Idol .   Grammy award – winner Chuck Penington arranges all of her music.  She has won the TAG (Theater Arts Guild) Award two times and recently she received honorable mention in the ‘Song of the Year’ contest for her song “It’s a Steve Jobs’ World!”!  Some of her youtube videos have gone viral and her musicals and songs are also performed by young people in high schools and colleges around the country.  “Going Through the Big D” is Karen’s 13th CD.